
Item on the Passover seder plate that symbolizes the paschal sacrifice.

"Weeks;" festival that commemorates the giving of the Torah to Moses atop Mt. Sinai.

"[God] who has kept us alive;" blessing recited to acknowledge beginnings, happy occasions; and festivals.

"Seven blessings;" traditional blessings recited or chanted during a wedding ceremony, immediately after the exchange of rings.

Seven-day mourning period that begins on the day of burial.

Thirty-day mourning period.

A year of “release,” described in the Torah (Ex 23:11; Lev 25:2,5-7; Deut 15:1-2) as occurring every seventh year, during which the land of Israel is not farmed, debts are remitted, and slaves granted freedom.

Lit. "conflagration;" the Shoah refers to the murder of the six million Jews.


Ram’s horn most commonly blown throughout the month of Elul and during the High Holiday season.

Guard who sits with the body before burial, often reciting psalms.



The concept that we are responsible for the protection and renewal of the earth.