Torah Commentary

Torah Commentary

Tol’dot for Teens: Shabbat Sha-raps

In this parasha, Rebekah has twins, Jacob and Esau. Esau is born first, but Jacob wants the blessing of the first born, and his mother wants to help. Together they trick Isaac and Esau, who both get mad. Listen to the rap to see how this sibling rivalry is fought out! 

Lech L’Cha for Teens: Shabbat Sha-raps

There are so many things happening with Abram in this week’s parasha: He leaves Canaan where there’s a famine, he travels to Egypt, and has to pretend his wife Sarai is his sister! Then they are told to go to the holy land and Abram gets a special covenant with God. 

B’reishit for Teens: Shabbat Sha-raps

In this week's parasha, we learn about the creation of the world, from the first light in the sky to Adam and Eve. They live in the garden of Eden, but things go wrong and they eventually get kicked out. Listen to the rap to hear the story unfold, as we learn how Adam and Eve have children who have children… eventually leading to us!   

Haazinu for Teens: Shabbat Sha-raps

In this parasha, Moses says a prayer for the people at his death, and recounts the blessings as well as the sins that have been committed. Moses is instructed to view the land he will not be permitted to enter.