Torah Commentary

Torah Commentary

Vayigash for Teens: Shabbat Sha-raps

Listen in to this parasha as Joseph reveals his identity to his brothers and their father finds out! The whole family is allowed to go back to live in Goshen, but it won’t end there! Listen now!

Mikeitz for Teens: Shabbat Sha-raps

In this parasha, Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dreams, predicting prosperity followed by famine. Listen to hear about the dreams and the rough time Joseph has when his brothers come to visit…you don’t want to miss it! 

Vayeishev for Teens: Shabbat Sha-raps

In this parasha, we meet the famous Joseph, Jacob's favorite son. His brothers sell Joseph into slavery and tell their father that he is dead, upsetting Jacob to no end. In Egypt, God watches over Joseph, even though he ends up in jail. Listen in to hear about what happens as he sleeps! 

Vayishlach for Teens: Shabbat Sha-raps

In this parasha, Jacob and Esau are going to meet, possibly to fight, but first Jacob meets someone who tells him of his great future. Jacob is renamed Israel (which means “one who wrestles with God”) and goes to meet Esau, and they have a joyous reunion. Isaac then dies, and sadly, so does Rachel as she gives birth to her last child. Listen to learn more about the family.  

Vayeitzei for Teens: Shabbat Sha-raps

This parasha opens as Jacob journeys to a new land. On his way, he stops to rest and angels come to him in a dream to bless him. When he arrives in Haran, he works in order to marry Rachel, but at the wedding her sister Leah is there. He has to work even more to marry Rachel. Listen here to find out what happens next!