Talia Engelhart

<p><strong>Talia Engelhart </strong>is a family mediator at <a href="https://www.themediationgroup.org/">The Mediation Group</a> in Brookline, MA, and serves on the ethics comittee at Boston Children's Hospital. Talia lives in Brookline with her husband and their four children.&nbsp;Originally from the Chicago area, she is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health, and Harvard Medical School’s Center for Bioethics. She has also studied at <a href="https://www.midreshet-lindenbaum.org.il/">Midreshet Lindenbaum</a> and <a href="https://www.pardes.org.il/">The Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies</a> in Jerusalem.&nbsp;</p>