Mark Dov Shapiro

Mark Dov Shapiro is the rabbi at Sinai Temple in Springfield, Massachusetts.

Clearing the Ashes

With two children and a baby on the way, there are numerous minor transgressions that occur in our home each and every day. These transgressions range from the unintentional, like spilt milk and forgotten homework, to the premeditated, like water balloons and pulling the cat's tail. There are also those

Listening Is a Divine Art

D'Var Torah By: Mark Dov Shapiro

If a picture is worth a thousand words, sometimes so is a word. In this week's parashah such a "word" is s h'ma , meaning "hear." By tracking the word from the time it first appears in the story of Abraham and Sarah and then reappears, we can discover a

The God Survey

Mark Dov Shapiro
A rabbi shares what happened when he presented his congregants with a survey about the existence and nature of God.