Family Activities

Sadie and the Big Mountain

Laura Copel
When her early childhood class plans a Shavuot hike, Sadie is afraid she won’t be able to make it to the top of the “mountain” and tries to think of ways to avoid the walk. When the day arrives, it’s much different (and better!) than Sadie expected.

Six Word Passover Poetry

This activity can be done in the days or weeks leading up to Passover or during your seder with a group of any size. It’s appropriate for families, kids who can write, chavruta (pairs of study partners) or even individuals pondering the upcoming holiday.

Hanukkah Craft: DIY Conductive Menorah

URJ 6 Points Sci-Tech Academy – East
Circuits, the basics of all electronics and robotics, can be simple to learn and a fun way to connect our Jewish value of tikkun olam, repairing the world and bringing of light, to our love of science.