
A year of “release,” described in the Torah (Ex 23:11; Lev 25:2,5-7; Deut 15:1-2) as occurring every seventh year, during which the land of Israel is not farmed, debts are remitted, and slaves granted freedom.

Lit. "conflagration;" the Shoah refers to the murder of the six million Jews.


Ram’s horn most commonly blown throughout the month of Elul and during the High Holiday season.

Guard who sits with the body before burial, often reciting psalms.



The concept that we are responsible for the protection and renewal of the earth.

A small Jewish village in Eastern Europe; plural: shtetlach or shtetls.

A synagogue.

Lit. "Set table." Refers to the 16th century code of law codified by Rabbi Joseph Caro in Safed, Israel. Includes a Gloss by Rabbi Moses Isserles from Germany writing his own law code simultaneously with Joseph Caro. Together, the Shulchan Aruch and Gloss unify Sephardic and Ashkenazic Jewry.

Literally, “broken.” One of the shofar blasts. It is composed of three medium blasts.

"Order." Refers to the Prayer Book (i.e., the "order" of the prayers).

"Order." Refers to the weekly Torah portion. (Pl. sidrot)

"Happiness." Refers to any happy occasion.